Community Commitment
Cornhusker Bank’s core values are woven into the fabric of our culture. We recognize the importance of stability and long-term commitment to the community. We’re honored to partner with community organizations and patrons in our annual One Day Without Shoes drive to benefit the People’s City Mission and help bridge a gap for those in need.
We’re so proud of our associates who are a part of many different local boards and volunteer for organizations close to their hearts. It’s their passion to focus on giving back to the community with their time, talents and financial resources. We care deeply for and are committed to the success of our community!
We are always happy to consider donation and sponsorship requests for organizations throughout the community. Requests can be submitted in writing and sent or dropped at any Cornhusker Bank location, or you may fill out the form on the Contact Us page.
Day Without Shoes
Cornhusker Bank’s annual Day Without shoes event for the benefit of People’s City Mission in Lincoln and Stephen’s Center in Omaha has gathered city wide support. Watch for the event to take place annually, with a 2 week period in which donations are accepted around Lincoln and Omaha and at all bank locations. |
The Food Bank of Lincoln
The Lincoln Can Food Drive was a great success! Cornhusker Bank Associates gathered together over 900 pounds of critical need food items for the Food Bank. They also contributed over $300 in cash. Each week the bank location who donated the most food items per associate, received the traveling trophy of Tiny Tin and donuts. |
Random Acts of Kindness
The beginning of 2016 Cornhusker Bank associates began practicing random acts of kindness to individuals throughout Lincoln. Associates take turns distributing $10 gift cards to individuals they feel can benefit from, or be rewarded by, the receipt of a gift card in the belief that we can change the world with one random act of kindness at a time. The story related by our staff member that goes with this photo was about David, who was in his late 60s or early 70s and homeless. David lives in a tent on the outskirts of town and rides his bike into town to find a sunny corner to keep warm in on winter days. He holds a sign with the words “Anything Helps”. Our associate sat down on a bench and talked to David about his life. He has always done manual labor and worked hard for a living. He spoke highly of the residents of Lincoln and how generous they are. Our associate said he knew David was the right person to receive his Random Acts of Kindness gift card. |
Filling Gift Requests for Cedars
Cornhusker Bank associates ready Christmas presents donated by staff for transport to Cedars. This display of giving has been a Cornhusker Bank tradition for years. Once again, in 2015, Bank associates filled every request for a gift Cedars asked us to fill. |
Minute To Win It
Cornhusker Bank fielded a team of associates to help raise funds for The HUB, supporting their quest to provide unconditional support and programming for young people as they become productive, independent, active members of the community. Pictured are two associates Playing in the” Minute to Win” it games. |
Amazing Chase for St. Monica’s
Cornhusker Bank has fielded teams for St. Monica’s Amazing Chase fundraiser annually. The teams for the October 2015 event had a great time in the chase, which sends teams around Lincoln via clues and then poses challenges for a “belly, brawn, beauty and brain” on the teams participating. |
United Way Day of Caring
Associates of Cornhusker Bank gather on the front porch of Voices of Hope after volunteering to do various tasks around the organization such as yard work and window washing. |
Associates go to new heights for Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters
Two Cornhusker Bank associates raised funding for Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters “Over the Edge”, qualifying them to repel The Graduate Hotel in downtown Lincoln. |
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